Proven Infrastructure of






For Business Growth

Learned from successful mid-market & enterprise companies

12+ Years of Experience & I want to be the A player for your company.


Total revenue Managed in multiple industries.


Clients Managed throughout my digital marketing journey.

300% - 700%

Growth in sales conversions reported by companies and clients I've worked with in the first 90 days

Quick look at successful client's campaigns

Experience at a glance

These are my key abilities that I can implement to grow with your company

Fully Customized Website Build

Crafting unique yet most powerful website that actually sells your products or services.

Fully Automated Lead Generation Infrastructure

Attract > Qualify > High-Value Prospects

Automated SMS & Email Campaign

Schedule and launch email campaign can send 100,000 per month with 60% open rate

Google PPC & Social Media Ad

Over $150,000,000 in total revenue managed with 8 figures in ad spend

7 & 8 Figure Ecommerce Branding Marketing

7x - 30x return on ad spend. Most up to date "what's working now" branding strategy.

Sales funnel and automation

Design and build high converting sales funnel that can increase sales by 300% - 700%

300%+ Your Revenue

I've seen in average of 3x growth on marketing performance in the first 30 days.

Fully Customized Conversational A.I. Infrastructure

Fully Trained A.I. Front Desk Assistant Capable of Full Conversations & Booking Appointments 24/7

I've Seen It, Done It, Know It.

What's Working

High-Conversion Website Design

Fully Automated Lead Generation System

NEW fully tailored A.I. assistant ready to have a full conversation and turn prospects into customers

Advertising Strategy That Converts and Sells

Automated SMS & Email Marketing

$160,000,000 Proven Social & Google Ads Infrastructure


Business Growth Infrastructure

I'm confident to build various infrastructure and grow with your company.

  • B2B

  • B2C

  • Ecommerce

  • A.I.

  • Automation

  • Creative and Unique Marketing Strategy

What are my hobbies?

I love to cook, read books, watch movies, go for a night drive...but for the most, I love Digital Marketing... this is my passion.